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Command line triggers

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Command line triggers enable you to call a check from a CI/CD pipeline, a bash shell or programmatically in your code.

You can specify command line triggers as standalone resources at check or group level:

resource "checkly_trigger_check" "test-trigger-check" {
   check_id = "c1ff95c5-d7f6-4a90-9ce2-1e605f117592"    // The id of the check to be triggered

output "test-trigger-check-url" {
  value = checkly_trigger_check.test-trigger-check.url  // This will output the trigger url

resource "checkly_trigger_group" "test-trigger-group" { // The id of the group to be triggered
   group_id = "215"

output "test-trigger-group-url" {
  value = checkly_trigger_group.test-trigger-group.url  // This will output the trigger url

You can see all the configuration options for group triggers, as well as more examples check triggers, on the official Terraform registry documentation page.

Last updated on August 15, 2024. You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github